Hi, We appreciate your continued support and trust in Track123. In this latest version, we have introduced new features and improvements to enhance your user experience and operational efficiency. Here's what's new in this update:
- Self-Notification Module for Emails
This new feature allows you to set up self-notifications. Now, when orders are in a special status, you can receive notifications and take prompt action. What's more, in the recipient field, you can configure up to 5 different recipients. Stay informed and ensure timely responses with this powerful addition.
- Mail HTML Editor Toggle Button
For those who prefer a versatile email editor, we have added a toggle button for switching between the text and HTML editors. This new feature provides greater customization of your email templates.
- Case-Insensitive Tracking Page Order Numbers
To streamline the user experience, we have removed the case sensitivity for order numbers on the tracking page. Your customers can now freely tracking by entering order numbers without worrying about case distinctions.
- Add one more Blacklist Word for Dropshipping Mode: CN
In response to the frequent appearance of "CN" in the tracking details of carriers like Yunexpress, Track123 have automatically added "CN" to the blacklist when you activate dropshipping mode.
- Exclude product in EDD Module
We've added a new module that allows you to exclude specific products. With this feature, you can control which products not display the estimated delivery date.
- Custom Favicon
You now can upload the image and customize the Favicon for the modern style tracking page.
Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any feedback.